Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Wiggle Room

Last night was our Ladies Christmas Dinner at church. We had such a wonderful time of talking, laughing, crying, and of course - eating!

We decided this year, since times are tight for so many of us, that instead of a gift exchange, we would take a minute for each woman to tell what she is going to give to God this year. It was so encouraging and inspiring to hear what is on the hearts of women.

It got me to thinking..... As women, we bear the weight of the world on our shoulders. Let's face it ladies.... we keep things going. Our homes are just like any other business. If it didn't have a competent business manager, things would fall apart. Our lives are so busy, there is no wiggle room some days.

So I decided, in 2009 I'm going to build in Wiggle Room! Just like anything else I put on my schedule and make sure gets done.... I'm going to schedule myself some wiggle room! Wouldn't that be nice? Time to sit down for a minute and listen to my son read to me, or time to see if I can beat my oldest son in Jeopardy. Time to not just dip the baby in the tub and call it a bath, but sit and watch him play in the bubbles.

My laid back, easy going husband has taught me so much. He drove me crazy in the beginning really - because it DIDN'T get worked up over the little things. I thought that meant he didn't care enough. But then I realized he figured something out that I needed to do more of.... "Not Sweating The Small Stuff". So, when I went to my ladies dinner last night and he fixed Deer Meat Summer Sausage, Fish Sticks, and Applesauce for dinner for the kids - I chose to see the blessing in it (he fixed them dinner) instead of freaking out at the horrible combination of food and lack of vegetables!

I'm going to build in the wiggle room I need to ENJOY the small stuff, instead of sweatin' the small stuff!

1 comment:

Carol said...

This is great! It's something I'm trying to work on as well...being more of a Mary than such a Martha!!