Tuesday, November 18, 2008

So I was Thinking...

So I was thinking...

Sometimes I get really lazy and don't pick up my bible and read it as often as I should. Truly, if I were to be perfectly honest with you, there are times when I put it down in between the front seats on my van on Sunday after church and it's right there where I put it the following Sunday right before I go in to church.

I consider myself to be an analytical person ~ always trying to think of what the "other person" is thinking, or what they will do. However, it occurred to me the other day that I have never really stopped to consider what Satan is thinking.

I was reading in Matthew when Satan is tempting Jesus. 3 times he tempts Jesus, and 3 times Jesus resists. At one point during this interaction between Satan and Jesus ~ Satan actually quotes scripture from Psalms to Jesus. Trying to twist it and make it something different from it's original meaning. So, there are a couple of things that jumped out at me. First and foremost - Satan knows scripture!! And he uses it against us. Have you ever interpreted scripture one way, and then some light was shed on it and you realized you were making it into something it wasn't to justify a choice you had made? This is what I'm talking about. Satan knows scripture!! If you pay attention to nothing else today - ponder that one for a while. So, if Satan knows scripture (and he does!) what do we need to do? Know it better! Wow - that's a perspective on leaving my bible in between the seats for 7 days untouched.

The second thing I learned from this scripture is that Jesus was prepared. He had fasted for 40 days and nights - Ready for the attack. And trust me, there will be attack. How prepared am I when my Bible is sitting in my van?

The last thing that really popped out at me is that Jesus stayed firm and consistent, telling Satan to get away. At the end, it said the Satan went away and Jesus was surrounded by angels. Within each believer is the Holy Spirit, which gives us the power to tell Satan to get away from us. Are we calling upon that power enough? Do we really trust that it is a resource we have? When is the last time you told Satan to get away and leave you ~ and your family ~ alone?

Something tells me that this Sunday I will be convicted to take my Bible into the house after church - and use it!


Us said...

Is this the Rachel I know from our old neighborhood??? How cool is this?!

Ok, now you've got me thinking about this too! I too am guilty of leaving my Bible in the car after church! This is an awesome post!!! xo

Carol said...

welcome to the world of blogging. I have one, too, although it's not too exciting.

So, Keli, are you from B'bridge too?

Us said...

I'm from Danville! : )

Carol said...

Rachel, sorry to hijack your comments...just wanted to see if Keli was someone from NP, too.